Camry shark rap fast and hit a motorcycle

Camry sedan Sharks fast rapper and hit a motorcycle in the water heating reverse caused the victims, 3 deaths (father, young children and mothers), a horrible death. Crashes exhibit Calvary horror occurred at around 2 pm on 6 February: On the Road 4 point Kilometer 159-160 village of Prey Nop District Sihanoukville. Car Camry sugar white shark Choking kind. 2A33 37 separate NATO mou victims Brand MD red plate number 1FJ4118. After the driver fled the scene quietly. Cops told Victims 1st name was Sam Oeun (husband) a 35-year-old male occupation chachamkar Village resident glass emerged Stung Hav district 2 / Kem Yale (wife) 29-year-old female worker occupations chachamkar (and died at the scene) And 3 / OEM Utah daring (children) male, 1 year (and died at the scene) Carmel fashion exhibits and PL to keep inspectors District. While the body was taken to celebrate the traditions of Khmer.